Health Tourism is a form of tourism that promotes the restoration, maintenance, and promotion of good health based on medical science. Health tourism provides opportunities to improve one's health and to learn about more effective health methods by experiencing health programs through travel.

お食事 まごわやさしい 地中海式料理
お食事 まごわやさしい 地中海式料理


Healthy menu using local ingredients, with a focus on health, using the traditional Japanese "beans, sesame, wakame (seaweed), vegetables, fish, shiitake mushrooms (mushrooms), and potatoes" and Mediterranean-style "olive oil, vegetables, fresh seafood, herbs, and cereals". In addition, the cooking method makes the most of the ingredients by cooking at low temperatures and stewing, which is kind to the body.

温泉 良質な温泉で 疲れを癒す
温泉 良質な温泉で 疲れを癒す

Onsen therapy

Simple hot spring: Neuralgia, stiff shoulders, stiff joints, sensitivity to cold, convalescence, recovery from fatigue, health promotion, diabetes, peripheral neuropathy, autonomic instability, various symptoms caused by stress, mild hypertension, and abnormal glucose tolerance.

This is a full-fledged insurance recreation program that benefits the body and mind with healthy cuisine using local ingredients and high-quality hot spring baths. Effects of Participation in Health Tourism

Health Tourism Participation Effects

Effectiveness of residential insurance guidance using health tourism

Weight change from overnight health guidance and 6 months of correspondence guidance

Blood pressure change due to participation in health tourism

Changes in blood pressure. Significant changes are seen before and after participation.

It has the expected effects of reducing mental stress, activating the brain, and increasing self-efficacy through muscle stimulation and aerobic improvement, and has other health management benefits. Many effects can be expected by alleviating stress, stimulating the sympathetic nervous system, and increasing secretion of salivary amylase.